Saturday 23 January 2016

Instructional Software

Instructional software according to Roblyer & Doering’s (2014) is computer programs designed specifically and developed for the sole purpose of supporting instruction and/or learning. 

Five different instructional software functions

Drill and practice

Targeting Maths Lab (Blake Education, 2016) by Blake Education is a CD Rom which is loaded onto our school network. There are 20 different activities and games for each year level covering most of the strands in the mathematics syllabus.  We also have access to the other year levels so we can differentiate the activities to the knowledge of the students. For addition and subtraction the children would play Froggy Plus and Froggy Minus.


Basic Math For Kids (KidsEduc – Kids Educational Games): Addition and Subtraction, Science games, Preschool and Kindergarten Activities

This is a YouTube tutorial that the children watch to learn about addition and subtraction. The children meet Annie and Jose who are in the garden and using their addition and subtraction skills. If the children in my class were using this tutorial I would have them use a whiteboard to write their responses to the questions and then check when the answer is revealed on the clip.


The only example of a simulation that I could think of was the Triple Zero Kids Challenge (Triple Zero Kids Cahllenge)

Children learn about getting help from the Police, Ambulance and Fire Brigade by calling 000.  There are 12 simulated challenges.  The children watch an animated clip then answer some questions relating to that clip.  Children learn about safety and hear what happens when you call 000.   

Instructional game

Studyladder is a website that has a range of activities for the children to complete for all Mathematic Strands. There are numerous games focusing on different Maths strategies.

In this game the children watch a tutorial as a whole class then individually they play a subtraction game. The children have number lines and a button to press to read the question.  If they get the answer correct they get a clapping sound. If they are incorrect the sound is a soft beep. Results can be saved for if the children are logged onto their account.

Problem Solving

In this game the children watch a tutorial as a whole class then individually they play an addition game. The children have to solve word problems that can be read to them by clicking a button. They need to select the correct answer by counting the items.  If they get the answer correct they get a clapping sound. If they are incorrect the sound is a soft beep. Results can be saved for if the children are logged onto their account.

Blake Education. (2016). Retrieved January 2016, from

KidsEduc – Kids Educational Games. (n.d.). Basic Math For Kids: Addition and Subtraction,
Science games, Preschool and Kindergarten Activities. Retrieved January 2016, from

Roblyer, M. D., & Doering, A. H. (2014). Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching.
Essex: Pearson.

Study Ladder. (n.d.). Retrieved January 2016, from

Triple Zero Kids Cahllenge. (n.d.). Retrieved January 2016, from


  1. Hi Laurel,

    Have you used Reading Eggs with Kindergarten? I used it for 5 years when I taught Kinder to reinforce phonics skills, both as a whole class and individually with apps, cds and kids logging into their own individual account. The kids loved it and it helped them develop so many early literacy skills. Great resources for teachers too!


    1. Emma, we have just completed the Reading Eggs Training out our school!
      What a fantastic, and wholistic program it is! I am so very excited to use it with my Kinders this year.
      I love how it includes Teaching notes, worksheets, narrated books, and lesson ideas for each book.

      I have just downloaded the Reading Eggs app on our class iPads, and hope to make use of it during our L3 morning literacy time.

